Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I will make it happen

For those of you who haven't heard, Sara and I are in the process of trying to get a house. Now, I have to be up front- this post is mostly about God, miracles, and divine intervention. But don't fret, because this whole house thing is going to require divine intervention in the form of a miracle from God. See, we're pretty poor. Strike that- poverty sounds like a good place for us to be. We have food stamps, rental assistance, and Medicaid. And we want to buy a house.

No, we have not gone insane- at least, we don't think so. There is a government program for low-income people who want to buy a house. Now is the time to try- there is a huge tax credit for first time home buyers, low interest rates, declining prices. Of course, people might think that Michigan is not exactly the state to be buying a home in. But I'm a Michigan man, born and raised. And I've come to love the Upper Peninsula.

We've been in our apartment here on campus for over 2 years, and it has served us well. But imagine living in a cubicle with 2 children and you might start to appreciate the reason why we are perpetually stir crazy. So Sara started checking out the housing market to see what was out there. We found some that were nice, nothing really jumped out at us though.

Well then we sat down and typed out a list. We made a list of things we NEEDED, and a list of things that would be nice to have. The very night we made the list, we found a house that shot straight to the top of our heart charts. I won't go into much detail on it now, but suffice it to say that it pretty much nailed every need and want that would qualify as a deal breaker.

Realizing that I tend to write lengthy blog posts and probably lose at least 45-55% of readers before the end, I'll cut to the chase- we weren't sure if we'd be able to swing it, Sara gave the issue over to God, and He said 'I will make it happen'.

Awesome! Of course, the above statement left out a lot of details, which kind of left us a little unsure of the path things would take. Details, details, details...

(sidebar thought) Now some people might think that this is ridiculous. People who don't believe in God buy houses too- so what does this even matter? I think about this with other things too- like music. There are awesome musicians who believe in Jesus...there are awesome musicians who don't. Rain falls on everybody. I don't know what it all means. Maybe it just means God loves everybody.

When we think of miracles, we usually think of stuff that is so amazing, so incredible, that there is no other means of accomplishing it than by divine intervention. For example, an amputee having their missing limb grow back out. Sight restored to the blind. The Lions making the Super Bowl. And those are all miracles, to be sure.

But how about 'real-life' miracles? How about the person who just feels like they had to call you and see how you were doing, on your worst day? How about safe travel? What about having children who are born healthy?

Arrgghh! This post is going to have to be another two parter. Son of a!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your blogs always leave me in tears:)

Love you,
