Who is that masked man?
As much as I would love to tell you that I have been receiving a lot of external pressure and fan mail to work on a blog of my thoughts about superhero movies, that would be a blatant lie. I would never blatantly lie to you, because that would hinder my aspirations of political advancement. That's neither here nor there.
Here's an oddity about me. I LOVE comic characters- I play a superhero game called Heroclix, I love playing video games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance and X-Men Legends, I love the movies and the TV shows- but I don't read the comics. I've started a little bit more, Marvel did a big crossover event this summer called 'Secret Invasion' that got my interest piqued, but I'm not a comic reader by any stretch. But I love the characters...so much so that I don't consider superhero movies that aren't based on comics to be frauds. Sky high? Fraud. My Super Ex-Girlfriend? Nope. The Incredibles? Um....well, Pixar transcends comics, so they're legit.
While I don't have a history with comics, I do have a history with the characters, through
various mediums. So I do have ideas in my head about the characters, how they'd look, how they'd act, how they'd smell. So this is the criteria that I use to judge my superhero movies (except the smell, all DVD's have that delicious 'New DVD' smell when you open them, so they all pass!).
various mediums. So I do have ideas in my head about the characters, how they'd look, how they'd act, how they'd smell. So this is the criteria that I use to judge my superhero movies (except the smell, all DVD's have that delicious 'New DVD' smell when you open them, so they all pass!).
I'm realizing that there is probably going to be a LOT of things I want to say about a LOT of different movies...so for now, I'm going to break down what I'll be writing about. First, a list of the movies I will include in my completely objective, obviously empirical 'study'.
Superman Returns
All 6 of the Batman movies (4 from the 1st franchise, and the 2 new ones)
Fantastic Four 1 and 2
Ghost Rider
Iron Man
Judge Dredd
Mystery Men
Punisher (with Thomas Jane, not Dolph Lundgren)
Spider-man (1-3)
X-Men (1-3)
Superman Returns
All 6 of the Batman movies (4 from the 1st franchise, and the 2 new ones)
Fantastic Four 1 and 2
Ghost Rider
Iron Man
Judge Dredd
Mystery Men
Punisher (with Thomas Jane, not Dolph Lundgren)
Spider-man (1-3)
X-Men (1-3)
That's a lot of movies, and not even all the comic movies that have been released! I didn't include ones that I haven't seen, so I won't be talking about Catwoman or Elektra at all (this might mean that more people read my post, so I'm excited about that). I also didn't include the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, since A) I haven't seen those movies in a while and B)they would have totally wrecked the curve, as they were the best movies in history.
In terms of what I'll be laying out in terms of completely well-thought out and in no way arbirtrary critiques, I'll be rating films based on:
Casting (as I said, I'm really into the characters, so casting can make or break a film for me)
How much I liked the movie
Trilogy/Multiple titles in franchise
Casting (as I said, I'm really into the characters, so casting can make or break a film for me)
How much I liked the movie
Trilogy/Multiple titles in franchise
I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on superhero movies, I think you'll find them interesting, and I'm also looking forward to hearing your thoughts about my thoughts, so I can then tell you what I think about your thinking about my thinking. Phew, got all that? See ya on the flip side
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