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Saturday, January 1, 2011

A letter to 2011

Dear 2011,

'Sup. My name is Jason Parks. I won't tell you too much about me- after all, I think the best way to start out any relationship is to foster a healthy amount of intrigue and mystery. Besides, I don't really know too much about you either, so I think it's only fair that we start off on the same foot. After all, I'm coming off of a rocky relationship with 2010, and I really want to make sure that we do this right.

I know that normally it's not a good idea to bring the previous relationships' dirty laundry into a brand new relationship- but I have been hurt before- not just by 2010, but 2009 as well- and so I need you to know going in that I am a wounded man backed into a corner. What does that mean? Well, it means that I'm emotionally fragile- and I'm liable to lash out if things start going downhill. Wait, that came across as a lot more threatening than I meant it to. What I was really trying to say is watch your ba...no, that's not it. You know what? Let's just get to the next paragraph.

Anyways, enough about me- let's get onto 2010. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable- let me just tell you that I only have eyes for you right now. I just need you to know what went wrong for me and 2010, so that we don't repeat the same mistakes. And by 'we' I guess I really mean 'you'.

2010 wasn't all bad- we definitely had some good times. There was that one time that I graduated from college for the first time- that was pretty special. And then there was that other time when my sister graduated from high school for the first time, and we got to see my other sister's family from Colorado. What a great time!

And yes, there were great times with my family, watching my kids grow, and hanging out with friends. Those are some things that 2010 gave me that I will always think of with great fondness in my heart.

But 2010 also did some things to me that I am still recovering from, and I need you to know that so you can not make the same mistakes that she made. First of all- I need the job that I have now (which I happen to really like, BTWs) to continue on it's present, upwards course, and not to hurl me into the furnace of hell like that one job that 2010 had me in. For about 3 months, I was subjected to daily toxic doses of stress, anxiety, and fear. And for what? A decent paycheck? Experience in my 'field'? I'll be the first to admit that I was a little young and naive, but still- it wasn't 2008 that was with me during that horrible time- it was 2010.

2010 and I were together through a rash of issues all around me. A very influential teacher battled with cancer last year, as did a friend from church- and a neighbor boy not much older than Delaney. Families fell apart- not just families in the news, but families that I know. A friend and former classmate (and mother of 4) was murdered about 2 weeks before Christmas.

On a lighter note- 2010 was even cruel to me in my sports teams. The Red Wings got bounced in the second round- and their rival Blackhawks skated with the Cup. The Pistons took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up traveling down the road to irrelevance. The U.S. soccer team made it to the round of 16- only to lose to a team they were favored to beat. Did I mention that I spent 3 months at a job that was trying to kill me from the inside?

And don't even get me started on the macro picture- be it in Michigan, the United States, or the world at large, crap was hitting the fan from all angles. I mean, how can I deal with the crumbling walls in my own life- when the foundations of this world are falling apart?

But enough about that. 2010 and I are finished. Our relationship is over. I look forward to spending the next 365 days with you, 2011. I have high hopes for us. I know that there will be some down times- but if you would just show me the love that I deserve, then I know that we can weather all of the storms that will come our way.

It's not too early to say 'I love you', 2011. And I do love you. I just hope you love me...or at least don't try to kill me.

From somewhere in the left ventricle of my heart,


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