Of course, I'm not writing about the Green Lantern movie, though I can see why you'd think I was. I titled this blog about the Green Lantern, and dedicated the first paragraph to it. And I hyperlinked to a picture of Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern in addition to uploading that same picture into the blog itself (The only reason I did that was to build my point). I have no regrets.
As I am beginning to take my writing more seriously (hey you, stop snickering. Yes, you), and hope to expand my audience base, I know that I am not just opening myself up to more back pats and attaboys. There are people that not only will not like things that I do, but there is the potential that they will be vocal about it. I could get shredded by the critics- just like my beloved Green Lantern movie. Well, maybe I shouldn't say beloved. Actually, I don't know that movie. I came here with somebody else (looks for the exit).
What is better- to have a piece of work (writing, art, movie, etc.) seen by new faces and subsequently get torn apart? Or to put yourself out there in friendly confines and get praise and adulation? I admittedly have a difficult time with criticism- it's difficult for me sometimes to separate the criticism from the relationship. It's one of my fatal flaws. It makes me interesting as a character, and keeps you engaged in my story. And when you put your self out there, whether it be a blog or a poem or a story, then everyone is a potential critic- like the agents in the Matrix.
But if you're a fish, I suspect you would risk the sharks in the open water for a chance at the freedom that your fishbowl cannot afford you. That is the goal. Freedom. That's what makes the thought of being torn apart by those jaws full of teeth worth the risk.
One day I hope to have a huge fan base. Lots of readers. Beaucoup feedback. Because I think that I have valuable things to say. I suspect that most writers do- that's why they write. I realize that when you open yourself up to the world, the world likes to take bites and sometimes swallow you whole. But I'm getting to be okay with that. I know that I'm not perfect, and that my ideas and my technique are not infallible. But I think that people need to pick up what I'm putting down. You might want to smell what I'm stepping in. And if I receive a few lacerations and third degree burns along the way, I'll chalk it up as a success and put another notch in my belt.
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