Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Checkin' inn

Hey fans, readers, haters...

This is just a brief 'checking in' type of thing. For some reason, I have this 'idea' that I'm supposed to be blogging quite often. Maybe it's because I often think, or because of societal expectations forced upon me as a blogger...maybe I'm bored, I don't know.

I do have much to say, for sure. And I will try to delve into the depths of the awesome thoughts that I have next week.

But first I have to get this frickin' book review of 'Medicine and the Market' done. If I ever meet the authors, I am going to kidnap them and make them listen to tapes of me practicing the dictionary. Seriously, this book is dead to me right now.

I'm gonna stop there (because otherwise this will become the typical length of a Jason blog, which kind of defeats the purpose of doing a 'check-in' post). God is good, even though I suck. I love you all, thank you for reading. We'll talk more next week...
Please accept these virtual fake flowers as a token of my apologies for not blessing you with amazing awesomely deep thoughts or competely absurd yet funny lists of stuff.

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