Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


To all of my adoring fans, and the haters as well...oh, and anyone who does not fall in either of my dichtonomous categories...

I am very sorry that I haven't written in a while, and unfortunately (or fortunately if you are so inclined) I won't be writing much this go around (pause for groans of those saying 'Yeah right, we've heard this before').

Basically I just want to let you all know life has been super busy with school/kids/music, and that this will probably be par for the next few months. I am taking three classes (which doesn't sound like much, but it is...don't judge me yo), and two of them are social work classes. I'm pretty stoked about those, because it's finally getting down to the wire...I mean, graduation is in sight! I'm hoping, praying, and working hard to graduate next May (mainly so that I can officially say that I graduated college before Jenny graduates high school...if I don't do that, she'll never let me hear the end of it!).

I will be doing lots of reading this semester, lots of writing, some role-plays, and more reading/writing. For those of you that don't know, I am THE ONLY GUY in my social work classes. 38 students. 37 females. Me. The residual estrogen is starting to affect me- I've shown a slight affinity for knitting and I recently picked up a Hello Kitty backpack. Seriously though, it's definitely interesting. I am looking forward to the challenges of the social work program.

The kids are doing great! Shane is starting to babble more and more, and say some isolated words. Delaney has got a brilliant sense of humor (of which I can stake a 50% genetic claim), and she and Shane are interacting more and more! Of course, there are rough days/spells, but all in all being a dad has been amazing.

Music is still humming along as well. Baby Cannon is hitting the ground running this semester. We're trying to get some shows lined up, and get our final mix done on our EP, 'Barrel. Powder. Fuse'. Sara has joined the band, and with her amazing voice/violinism (or we could call it 'violince')/keyboarding, our sound is evolving into something new and fresh!

I really am going to try and churn out some sweet blogs this semester, but I can't promise anything...I'm balls-to-the-wall busy, and this is only the second week in. It's only going to get crazier from here! I'll post when I can...until then God bless and keep it real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will miss Your blogs but I also understand Your crazy schedule. I'll be checkin in.