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Monday, January 18, 2010

The hardest thing I'll ever do

You know what I think? I think the toughest part of parenting isn't the late nights in early infancy, it's not the constant responsibility, it isn't even all the extra crap that you only need to buy because you have a child.

It's the knowledge that eventually, you are going to have to let go, and allow them to brave the shark infested waters of society- and knowing that you won't be able to hold their hand through it all. It's knowing that people are some of the most evil, wicked creatures on our planet, and that they will do and say things that are hurtful for no other reason than to be hurtful- and all we can do is shake our heads, shrug our shoulders, and reiterate how much we love our children.

I had a moment today where I had this epiphany, and it broke my heart. I cried. Literally. I'm not Stonehenge, but I don't cry often. When you catch a glimpse of your child, who is pure and innocent and thinks that the world is the same way....it hurts when you see that it is going to close in on them, and that they will never again see it in the same way.

I just want my kids to know that I love them. I love them with my whole heart, and I will always be there for them. I want them to know that things will not always be perfect, but they will not always be bad. And I want them to always treat other people (especially those younger, weaker, and "less cool" than they are) they way that they should be treated- like human beings.

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