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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life can be a dream

Last night (actually, it was probably early this morning), I had one of the most interesting dreams that I have ever had. That may not be a true statement, but because I can remember it so well (and because I usually don't remember my dreams at all), I am giving it the royal treatment.

So in my dream, Cate Middleton (the now princess) was the sister of one of my social work program classmates. And obviously because this is the case, Prince William and his new bride came to my parents house for a reception of sorts. It was pretty low-key, because if the prince and his new bride come to your house, chances are they're going to want to be off the radar. So I met the prince under a tent beside my parents house. We chatted for a little bit.

Then I was magically transported into the garage (which is actually only a few steps from where the tent would have been), where Prince Harry and some other dude were playing some music. Naturally I headed to the drums and started laying down some sweet beats, and before I knew it we were playing a Led Zeppelin tune (unfortunately I don't remember which one- I just remember it being distinctly LZ). After we almost got through the first verse, Prince William announced he was taking off, and specifically told me good-bye (and called me by name). Dude, see you later, Prince. We're buds. We're cool.

When I woke up, I told Sara about my dream. The first thing she asked me was if Prince William spoke in a British accent. I said no, he talked like an American, and she said 'well, we definitely know it was a dream'. Yes, Sara. Now we know it was definitely a dream. Because nothing else about that story suggests that it was a dream, and not in fact the way I spent my Friday.

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