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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Good Samaritan TM

Let's just come right out and say it- I'm cynical.  Sure, I have moments of hope and moments of naivety, but there is also a part of me that simply refuses to believe the best in people or situations.

This morning, I was watching the Today Show (I'm actually a little bit embarrassed about this...perhaps even more so than the time where I admitted I watched Gossip Girl) and Matt Lauer and generic female co-host started talking about all the negative news and how sometimes we're in need of a reminder that there are some good people on the Earth.  Of course, these people spent the summer hosting concerts by Justin Beiber and his ilk, so maybe they aren't the best judges of how desperate the human condition really is.  But whatever- we'll humor them.  Humanity is screwed up and hopeless and is anyone good and blah blah blah.

Enter Leo Guarente (complete with video camera).

I won't get into the story too much- you can read about it here or here.  Suffice it to say that he found about $114,000 in savings bonds in a hope chest that some lady threw out and rather than keep them (which he was in his legal right to do), he returned them to her.

How special.  What a good Samaritan.  Humanity=inherently awesome.

Of course, they sort of glossed over the fact that this Leo guy is angling for his own reality show in the same vein as 'American Pickers' (people that make lots of money picking through trash) and has apparently been hauling around a camera and filming his crew in action in order to piece together a pilot called 'Trash to Cash'.  Or something.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where I might be going with this.

I mean, I don't want to completely discount what he did.  I know for myself, if I found $114,000 that I had legal claim to, there's not very many things on Earth that could convince me to not cash it right the heck in. Unless someone offered me $115,000 for it.  So kudos.

But why film it?  Why have the cameras there?  I mean, isn't the inherent goodness (or evilness) of humanity most accurately measured by what we do/don't do when no one is watching?  Anyone can be good when there's something in it for them.

Look, this guy did a great thing- with the cameras rolling.  I don't want to put words into his mouth/brain...but come on.  This dude is obviously a businessman.  He owns a junk depot.  He is trying to get reality show started.  Smart man.  So it's not out of the question that he would look at opportunity cost of this $114,000. And in my opinion, he made the right career move by giving back the money.  He has tons of publicity because of this.  An appearance on the Today Show.  Tons of Internet buzz.  Wouldn't be surprised if his show gets a look because of this.  That's got to be worth at least $114,000, right?  If not more, I'm thinking.  So he gets to look like a hero while he's laughing all the way to the bank.


Mr. Guarente (if that is your real name wink wink) did a good deed.  I'm not denying that fact.  I'm just not willing to make him the poster child for philanthropy.

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