Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh the times, they are a-changing

You know what I've been doing a little bit of the last few days? Writing awesome new blog posts? No. Studying for my impending test? A little. Watching Eric Bana streak across the TV screen? Only just now.

I've been reading some of my old blog posts. It's interesting, to have an extremely handy journal of events, ideas, and thoughts of mine from the past year and a half. I'm enjoying seeing how much I've changed and grown in some ways. I'm really loving some of the funny things I've written...while others make me cringe a little bit.

This isn't an anniversary post, by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe like a '1 year, 4 month, 10 day'iversary. Which is stupid, so I won't say it. But I did say it. Fudge.

I've grown so much these past months. And I hope to reflect that in my writing. Future blog posts might strike you as odd. You might not agree with me. You might think I'm off my rocker. All I ask is that you bear with me. I've changed so much. I see things differently- but I'm still me. I'm Jason Parks. I'm still quirky as all get out. I'm still happy-go-lucky. I still laugh at inappropriate things. I still make mistakes. I'm still human.

I think I have a lot to share. My experiences make me who I am- I'm the only me that you'll ever know. And I have wisdom and insight to share with you. Just like you all do.

I named this blog "You should know Jason Parks". I thought it meant something, but now I know it means something completely different. Because I believe that every person is worth knowing. Every person has their own random, weird quirkiness. Every person has lived a life that no one else has. Similarities? They're on the surface. You are you. And you are worth knowing. No one else sees things quite how you do. And as you find yourself, you realize just how much you need to connect with your fellow man. Because we're all in this together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always you leave the reader wanting more.
