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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Skyrim Times- or another possible goose chase.

I have a very ambitious yet fun sounding project in my head. I’m not sure if I’ll go through with it…but the idea tickles me- I want to create an ongoing newspaper for the video game Skyrim.

It’s such a deep, dense game that I’m not sure I could pull it off. It’s definitely not something that I’m going to be starting anytime soon- I’m still playing through Skyrim and I want to beat the game without having to focus on anything else. Ideally I’ll then start it over and start taking notes and whatnot.

In my head, I’m imagining making my character into a captured journalist who escapes from the dragon and makes off to Whiterun. He becomes an investigative reporter for the Whiterun News (or something). I’d write up stories on the silly local shenanigans, with maybe an editorial on the state of affairs in the larger Skyrim, pieces on creatures and plant life, local fare, shopping reviews, and occasional tidbits from the other holds as well. I’m thinking it will be a nice mix of serious information and absurd silliness.

I’m putting this out there to see if anyone would be interested in collaborating with me on this project. I will definitely need some fellow historians- there is such complexity in this game, it’s overwhelming! Articles and headlines will also have to be written. And there are definitely article types (food critic, for example) that I’m not overly familiar with.

If you’re interested, please hit me up on tumblr (http://backwardspants.tumblr.com) or here. I may or may not create a separate tumblr account for this, I’m not sure. But seriously, if this sounds like something you’d be at all interested in collaborating on- even if it’s just to peruse the final product and offer suggestions, that’d be awesome!

PS- For those with a memory of such things, no, I have not forgotten about my Ezio diary project- it's just sitting in the heap with all of the other projects of the moment.  But...it is at the top of that heap and I have put some work into it- so probably by the time Assassins Creed: 8 comes out, it should be ready to go.

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