Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Still alive, mostly

Hello world,

I don't really have anything to say right now.  It's just that time of year, when I go for a long spell without any communication and then all of a sudden *POOF* into existence again to give you your quarterly fix of Jason Parks.

I realize I'm way behind on things- my Fantasy Football wrap up still is waiting in the wings.  Unfortunately I have no real time table for them- creatively I'm running on the fumes of 2010 here, so I can't promise when I might be so inspired as to deliver my usual Grade-A-wesomeness in literary form. 

Life has been ridiculously busy.  I'm basically working 7 days a week- which for you math majors out there means that yes, I am working every single day.  I have periodic days off at the school (thanks God for those snow days a few weeks ago), but I'll have a consistently full schedule until the summer.  While that will be good for our bank account, it won't be as good for my blog account.  Of course, that's what the world cares about.  Right?

Honestly, today is the first time I've thought about my blog in a couple weeks.  So I suppose that me writing this is perhaps a step in a positive direction towards reconnecting with myself in the arena of words.  Or maybe I just had a spark of inspiration that will just as quickly fizzle into nothingness.  Stay tuned!

Lately I've been watching professional wrestling, which is good for the soul.  It makes me feel like a man to watch muscled dudes confront other muscled dudes and wear tiny clothing and jump around and beat each other up.  I'm pretty sure my testosterone levels have gone through the roof.  One really cool thing that's come out of my newest craze is the wrestling video game I bought has enabled me to connect with my kids.

Yes, you read that correctly.  A wrestling video game has deepened the parent-child bond in the Parks household.

See, I downloaded some previously created wrestlers that you might have heard of- Incredible Hulk.  Thor.  Spider-man.  Superman.  Captain America.  Batman.  No, they aren't wrestlers in the traditional sense.  But someone made them for a wrestling game, and I downloaded them, and now I have tons of fun watching Royal Rumbles involving the Avengers.  How cool is that!  Plus, I give them all custom theme songs that my kids are growing attached to.  Do you know how deeply it warms my heart to have my children request that we listen to 'Walk' by Pantera in the car before school?

IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU KNOW (sorry.  Channeling my inner The Rock there). 

Anyways, that's what I've been up to.  Work and wrestling.  As time frees up, interests will vary and I'll begin writing again in earnest.  I anxiously await your waiting with bated breath.

Love you all!

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