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Saturday, June 16, 2012

A picture of hope

We live in a dark world during dark times.  People are doing horrible things to other people, saying mean things about other people, and passing gas in groups without claiming it.  Every day, a new apocalypse seems to be rising out of the ashes of the failure of its predecessor.  We are living on borrowed time, even on our best days, and trust my sister when I tell you that life is hard- no one makes it out alive.

So when we find any sense of beauty or hope in this fallen and decrepit world- well, we should cherish it and share it with others, right?  I mean, most of us are in this "eat/drink/die tomorrow" frame of mind, looking for something to help get us from one valley to the next.  But when you find something glorious, something that doesn't just numb the pain, but can really light a fire in men's hearts and make them aspire to something more, something greater beyond what they believe they are capable of...well, you have to share that with the world, right?  You don't hide it, no matter how embarrassing it might seem to be.  This could be your shot, your chance to change the fate of the world.  So you grab hold of that sucker by the handlebars, spit something (doesn't matter what, as long as you make it look cool) and you just let it ride.

Right?  With me so far?  Good.  Because I'm about to show you something so beautiful and so inspired that your life will forever be altered by it.  Do you want to see it?  Thought so.

BOOM.  Do you see that?  You, um, may have to enlarge or zoom in, but what you are looking at is the most perfect mustache since...since...well I have never seen it's equal.  It is unequaled.  A mustache that has (or had, unfortunately) no peer.  The Mozart Jordan of mustaches.

Isn't it lovely?  Isn't it wonderful?  Isn't it precious?  And to think that my wife wanted me to keep this picture, nay, this mustache, in hiding.  As much as I love objects of beauty, I love to be able to sleep in my nice, cozy bed at night.  So in the end, I had to kill the mustache so that the dream could live on.  The dream to bring light into the darkness and help someone through their troubles- whether that means they lost their job or are going through an earthquake or maybe struggling with their own facial hair insecurities.  Hey, look at me, even I can do it- and sure, you probably can't, but I'm here for you anyways loser brother.

Here it is again, at a different angle and in worse lighting.  Just make sure you're sitting down.
Because it'll still take your breath away.
So remember today, as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death- that there is good in this world.  There is light and love and hope...and even though there is one fewer mustache now (rest in peace, friend), you can go on with your day knowing that now there is purpose and meaning.

Oh, and you're welcome.

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