Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


If you're reading this, congratulations?  It's been about three quarters since my last post, and truth be told I've never had much to say anyways.  But after about nine months of silence, I'm here to say that enough is enough.  Youshouldknowjasonparks is back on-line- with caveats.

I'm going to be....oh, what's the insider term here....restructuring a bit.  While I realized this for awhile, taking some time off really drove this point home- I don't know what the heck I'm talking about.  Oh sure, I might have some keen insights or some smartnessy.  But realistically, I don't know enough about any of the serious topics to make a go of it.  

So what this place is going to become is a virtual alter to the inane silliness that is my existence.  I love laughter and things that make me laugh.  I love making people laugh.  This life thing, it's...well, you know, it's tough.  And then, after it's all said and done, we die.  Game.  Over.

That's obviously a somewhat cynical statement and I'm definitely not trying to make any sort of afterlife existence statement.  I'm just saying that this is here, and this is now, and we should try to laugh as much as possible because even science says that laughter is good.

Clearly, I won't be able to fully escape bringing the seriousness- but my hope is that it will serve to augment the silliness and that through the augmenting of serious and silly, that your day will be brightened and we'll build world peace from the ground up.

(It should be noted that nine months away from the blog has not diminished in any way, shape, or form my inability to JUST GET TO THE FREAKING POINT).

Too Long, Didn't Read: I'm going to be writing more about stupid stuff.

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