I know, I know- I'm kinda jumping all over the place here. What am I even getting at? Well, I am thinking about engaging in some socially deviant behavior. It's certainly not snake charming. Or being a Lions fan. But it's in the same vein. Brace yourself.
I'm buying textbooks- for classes that I'm not even in.
Let me repeat that in case you didn't catch it. It might not have even registered, because it's so out in left field.
Everybody that's in college buys textbooks. It's what happens. You learn to cope.
What I'm talking about is so obscene that the Motion Picture Association of America laughed in my face when I asked them about it. PETA wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I'm now on the ATF radar because of it.
I am planning on buying textbooks that I don't need, for classes that I'm not even in. Allow those words to sink in a little bit.
I went on the NMU bookstore website. I looked up ISBN's for textbooks from other classes. I copied and pasted those ISBN's onto a word document. I plan to pursue those ISBN's on Amazon.com. By pursue, I mean hunting and tracking them until I find them and purchase them.
This might seem slightly more ridiculous in light of my pending graduation in May. I mean, everybody misses college when they leave, right? There is always some reminiscing, or nostalgia- but don't you remedy those things by watching football games or buying those cool transparent window cling stickers? Why buy textbooks- textbooks that you don't even need!!! Wouldn't you be better off just buying something like a suck-cut?

It certainly does suck...not as much as having to buy textbooks, though. Man, that Intro to Broadcasting textbook killed my budget! As if!
This idea actually came to me from a kid who lives at the group home where I work- he loves textbooks. The school he attends was getting rid of some old ones, and he grabbed like four or five- to add to the three that he already had! He's got a library of textbooks! And since he earned privileges Friday night, that's what we spent the night doing. That's right ladies- I spend Friday nights reading about the phases of matter!
Admittedly, the idea of looking through old (I'm talking circa 1986 old) middle-school textbooks lacks the appeal of playing NHL 2010 on the PS3. But you know what? As I sat there leafing through pages of dated information, I was infected with the bug. The knowledge bug.
Knowledge is power, people! Textbooks are knowledge! Therefore, using simple mathematics (which is really about the only mathematics that I know, at least until I get that sweet new textbook), we can deduce that textbooks are power!
Maybe not Take-Over-The-World-And-Have-A-Harem type of power- you need money to do that. And obviously I spent all of my extra money on those textbooks. But at this stage in my life, I'm in love with learning. God made me human. And I want to learn as much about humanity as possible.
I'm looking at stuff like sociology, human behavior, psychology, anatomy, physiology, infant development, theories of personality, family relationships- my heart starts pounding in my chest...well obviously it's already beating in my chest (at least, I think so- I have to double check that chapter on the circulatory system), but not like this. I don't know how to explain it, but I just wish I could McMatrix everything into my brain and be the smartest man in the world. I can't do that, though, so the next best thing is to buy lots and lots of textbooks. Well, not lots AND lots- because that would be ridiculous, and maybe a little bit masochistic. Maybe just lots.
And I don't feel like it's knowledge for the sake of knowledge, because I plan to utilize this knowledge as much as possible. I want to pass it on- and this blog will definitely be a conduit for that knowledge.
Besides, at least I'm not turning into a sword-swallowing Lions fan....now that would be cause for concern.
PIC: http://www.filmsondisc.com/images/waynes_world.jpg
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