This was originally supposed to be done earlier, but then it wasn't.
Wow, I'm on a blogging roll! At this rate, I'm going to obliterate my previous yearly high for blogs...and since I'm planning on blogging DAILY (to the layperson, daily=at the rate of at least once but no more than once) over spring break, I might even get that by my birthday!
What's the big change? After all, I did zero (yes, you read that right, but only because I wrote out the word zero, because a zero looks like a glorified 'o', and you might have thought I was like speaking in code or something.) blogs last semester. This semester, I've already done eight (six last week!).
I wish there was a simple answer, but there isn't. There's not one thing, there's no 'smoking gun' or 'magic bullet'. This is basic systems theory at work. When we try to dumb life down into simple 'cause/effect' relationships, we lose the opportunity to gain wisdom and insight. If we're willing to look at the different parts of the whole, that's when we can really begin to figure things out. When you really understand how interwoven everything is, you realize that there is no "cause"- at least, not how you think of causes.
I realize that events in my life in particular might not be the most thrilling or fascinating- I admit that readily in the beginning. But it's relevant to me, to this blog, and as you read and contemplate, hopefully to you as well . Try to imagine how each of these events might play off of the others, sometimes building together, sometimes contrasting, but each one affecting the others in some way.
I was trying to think of things that changed from last semester to this, and I came up with at least 7 things. There was more, but I figured if I stuck to 7, I'd be less likely to bore you (and more likely to get a book deal). These are some of the factors in my life that are different than last semester. Remember- don't assume that any one factor carried more weight than another (even the first thing on the list).
1) Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I had a one and a half month winter break.
2) After maintaining a 4.0 during my time at NMU, I got my first sub 'A' grade last semester.
3) I have Dr. Cianciolo as a teacher. We call her 'Pish'. Pish teaches policy classes at NMU, and I started my blog the last time I had her as a teacher..
4) I lost my job as a caretaker for my grandmother-in-law (she went to live in an assisted living facility).
5) We have people over less frequently.
6) I got a new assignment at my field placement.
7)Baby Cannon is back together (more on this later).
Originally, I had like a paragraph written up on each of these, but I chose to just make a surface-level list because I wanted to drive home my point a little bit (also, I didn't want to lose you, my precious reader, due to boredom). Some of them, you might be wondering about, like for example 'how did he lose his job in a positive way?'.
Life is just so complex that we really have to look at the pieces of the puzzle to understand the whole. And really, it's way more than even knowing that things fit together- to truly know and understand, we have to figure out why things fit together. That's a task for another time.
The whole point of this is that we can't even begin to understand ourselves, let alone others, if we aren't willing to look at people through this multi-dimensional approach. One thing that really bothers me is when people use themselves and their own life experiences to judge or assume things about other people. You know what? It doesn't matter what you've been through or what you've done- because you aren't that person! At best, you can make some surface comparisons.
So think about all this stuff next time you 'assume' something about somebody else. Because there is much, much more going on in their life than what you can deduce by summarizing the tale of the tape.
Anyways, I promised Baby Cannon, and now I'm going to deliver Baby Cannon.

On February 19th, we announced our return to the music scene at the Dueling Band Show in Marquette. While we didn't win, we did kick butt and take names (especially since we didn't know until the 16th who was all going to be playing with us and because WE ROCK). It's been an interesting couple months. We thought we were done, and for all intents and purposes we were. I guess God wasn't done with us. We practiced on Wednesday, have a new song written (another one on the way) and some studio time coming in March. Are we back? Well, I don't want to get ahead of myself. But yes. Thanks to all our fans, friends, and family that believed in us and proudly bumped 'Simply' in the car while wearing their LE Baby Cannon t-shirt to work.
Thanks for reading, hit me up with comments/questions, and make sure to come back tomorrow for something completely different!
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