I am just starting to think that whatever the higher levels of nerdiness are, I'm up there. I watch cartoons. I read comics. I play a tabletop minis game that is based on comics. I play fantasy sports. I often roam around my house in my underwear. To top it all off, I blog about all of those things. Except the underwear...but I almost did. I was going to write about the merits of boxer-briefs, but Sara put the kibosh to that.
What a great segue into my blog! Forget seamless transitions- the jalopy wall crash is the way to go!
So fantasy football didn't work out so well for me. Last time I talked about it (not just on my blog- I mean the last time I talked about this. Think of this is kind of my own personal therapy session- and you're privy to my deepest and mostest private thoughts!) I had wrapped up a recap of the second half of my season, and I was planning about blogging about the playoffs. Then I lost in the first round of the playoffs by 15 points to the eventual league runner up. My life spiraled out of control. It didn't matter that I won the next two games on the consolation ladder- like that was supposed to console me! Really? If I wanted to be consoled in the first place (which I didn't), I certainly wouldn't climb a ladder. Maybe I'd go on like the Love Boat or something- but not a consolation ladder.

So anyways, I was so down in the dumps that I decided to let my fantasy hockey team, the Arabian Arabian Knights (I should at this point let you know that I'm not going to be doing any sort of crazy, in-depth roster review/schedule breakdown for hockey- too long of a season, and I'm too lazy. Oh, and I was considerate and thought of you the reader. That last one is a lie), slip into the doldrums of not-bothering-to-update-the-line-up.
I'm not sure if that's actually how the time table worked. Maybe I let my hockey team go during the last few weeks of the regular season in football and then returned to hockey when my football season went to hell. I'm sure that the truth is out there, and whatever the not-truth is just happened in some sort of weird alternate dimension.
So anyways, my fantasy hockey team probably went about a month without getting any sort of weekly roster updates. I gave up on it for a while. It's kind of like I was dumped, and got really depressed, and so I started to neglect the other girlfriend that I had apparently had on the side while I was dating the first girl, but then the second girl does something to get your attention, and then you remember her, and it ends up being this really amazing relationship.
Because that's what happened. My sort-of-rebound girlfriend, once I started paying attention to her (I suppose this would be a good time to remind the reader that when I say 'sort-of-rebound girlfriend', I'm talking metaphorically about fantasy hockey. I do not need relationship stress right now. I suppose relationships stress would be something like fantasy soccer), ended up being a great fit for me.
I overcame that month-long hiatus to finish 14-8 and win my division, which earned my team a first round bye in the playoffs. First round bye? Moi? And that record could have been even better had I not lost about 3 games because I was busy wallowing in self pity. Good golly, I am awesome at fantasy hockey!
Long story short, I ended up winning my first playoff match-up, and then again in the semi-finals this week to reach the finals next week. And unfortunately, I'm pretty confident that's where Uncle Mo is going to get off the train.
The guy I'm playing? 19-3 regular season (in the toughest division, I might add). Highest scoring team in our league. If we had played this week? He would have beat me by 60. Short of a miracle or a voodoo hex (obviously the hex is a last resort), I'm going to be the first loser.
But still...I would much rather be in the championship game with a shot at all the marbles than on the sidelines after one week. Or with an old dude on a love boat.
Pic- http://blog.myweddingfavors.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/love-boat.jpg
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