Anyways (BTW, does it really bother, or offend anyone, that I say 'anyways' instead of 'anyway'? If it does, let me know. But you should know that I don't actually care), at the end, we had a slide show. You know how slide shows are- five to ten minutes of cutesy pics meant to drum up maximum nostalgia- everybody is smiling, hugging, having fun. Well, I was definitely feeling the nostalgia afterward.
(I have a bad memory from a slide show at my high school graduation- no no no, they didn't show the picture of me getting pantsed in front of the girls JV basketball team- actually there was no picture of that...thank GOD.
What happened was, during spirit week, we had a day where you had to dress up like a Nerd. Even though I could have done this in my sleep, I actually went the extra mile for this one. Well, I managed to get in a picture with the school basketball stud, who was not an actual nerd but managed to deck out in some pretty sweet nerd-gear.
So even though this event, and this picture, were taken pretty early on in the school year, I was still pretty excited for the slide show at graduation- I mean, I knew that the picture was a shoo-in, because it had the BMOC all decked out as a geek. That sort of funniness- you just can't pass it up. And I was in the picture- it was gold! Everybody would be laughing at a picture with me in it! And no, that statement is not as masochistic as it sounds.
Well, of course just a few weeks before graduation the basketball player extraordinaire broke up with his long time girlfriend, who just happened to be running the slide projector at graduation (yes, we had a slide projector when I was in high school). So the one picture that I was blatantly looking for during the whole freaking slide show popped up on the screen- and then vanished into the very next picture.)
Thanks a lot for ruining my graduation experience.
Back to reality- we had an awesome slide show at the banquet, there were pictures of me, and some of them were funny- and because it was on Power Point, everything was auto-timed, so there was no chance for human interference (not that my SW girls would have interfered- they are way too cool).
But I didn't really want to focus on the slide show- and I especially wasn't trying to trudge up painful memories.
I want to talk clubbin.
Last night was the first night that I ever went clubbin. Well, if going to one bar counts as clubbin. Matt says it doesn't. But let's put aside reality for a second, and pretend that going to one bar means that you just went clubbin'. Now, before you get worried, you should know that I am practically a saint, and would never, under any circumstances, turn to the darkside.

Hey baby. Have you ever seen a light sabre?
So feel free to turn off your PG-13dar, because I definitely wasn't 50 Cent up in the hiz-ouse. I wasn't even like 25 Cent. If I had to put a monetary value on my clubbiness, it would probably be like 5 Cent.
Some of the girls from my social work cohort went out to the Up-Front last night. For those of you who are not 'down' with the Marquette scene, the Up-Front is a pretty classy establishment. I had never been there, so I wasn't sure what to expect...actually, scratch that- because I had never been to a club period, I didn't know what to expect.
I was told by a friend that sweat pants were right out, and that there was a $15 cover charge. Crap. Not crap to the cover charge, but crap to the sweat pants. Obviously because otherwise I would run the risk of having to beat off the ladies with a stick.
Cover charge ended up being $1. I guess it was college night- but still- $1? I thought that you had class, Up-Front!
A couple thoughts about 'clubbin'...
- I went up to the bar, and asked for a Coke. It was free. So score a point for clubbin!
- I can see why the quality of relationship that evolves in that sort of environment is often shallowly based on physical attraction, and results in one night stands. It doesn't have anything to do with the quality of a person in that environment. See, first of all, the whole scene is an assault on the senses. They dim the lights down low, so you can't really see anyone. Then they use these really cool spinny color lights on the dance floor, so all you can see is the dance floor...and the bar. You can see the bar too. Then they blast this really loud, really seductive music, and so you can't actually communicate with anyone, other than with your sick dance moves- which in my case, would obviously be the visual effect of an animal in heat (and would probably look like an animal on fire). Throw some alcohol into the mix? You're just asking for trouble.
- Friends at your table ordering food=awesome. I had mozzarella sticks, chicken/cheese nachos, and and a cheesy breadstick- all free! Not really free- someone else had to pay for them. For it to be really free, I would have had to have had some sort of magical powers that enabled food to be conjured out of thin air without any sort of thought or effort on my part.
- Are you sober and bored? GO CLUBBIN! Seriously. I left at 11:30, so I missed out on any fireworks, but I imagine that the alcohol, hormones, and sense deprivation can add up to some very funny crap in the wee hours of the morning. Just try not to get picked up by an ugly person.
Normally, this isn't something that I do (obviously). And it's not something that I plan to do often in the future- it's just not me. Really, the whole idea was to spend sometime with friends from school. We graduate in a couple weeks, and while I can justify my overall lack of participation in outside-of-school events (and legitimately justify, for the most part), I know I could have made more of an effort at times as well. I have such tremendous classmates. I've enjoyed learning with them and laughing with them these past two years. There's still 2 weeks left, and still time to enjoy the scholastic experience, make memories, and do papers!
Ugh. Papers.
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