Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

20,000 reads under Me

If you're one of those hardcore readers of mine who checks my blog every day and scrolls down to the very bottom to make sure you didn't miss any of the steamy, creamy goodness that I intermittently bake up for you, then you've surely noticed the part of my blog where it tells you how many page views I've had.  If not, then I'll go against my better judgment and just go ahead and tell you- it's almost 20,000.

That's a lot, kids.

Actually, it's not really- I mean  20,000 is probably a good week (or even day- I know little about such things) for some bloggers.  So it certainly doesn't mean that I've somehow "arrived" or anything like that.  In fact, it probably just means that I have a group of family and friends that are willing to often humor me and an unsuspecting cyber world guilty of clicking on my posts because of my potentially misleading labels (which may or may not be controversial).

Nonetheless I'm excited about the milestone.  Probably because my brain is hardwired for patterns and milestones and such, and 20,000 is a pretty big even number.  It also means that if I've been nothing else, I've been durable.  October 10th of this year will mark the 4th anniversary of my blog.  Four years is a long time to be writing about nothing for nothing.  I've seen plenty of friends and family start blogs and then just as suddenly stop them.  Maybe they're busy, maybe they're discouraged about lack of readership, or maybe they realize that they just don't like to blog very much.  Despite wrestling with some of those things, I've managed to persevere.  For better or worse, I've kept at it.  And four years later, there are still people who read what I write.  Thank you.  Nameless, faceless you is (are?) why I continue to do this.

So in short, I'm sort of excited about the 20,000 milestone because it means that I've managed to stick around.  In the end, I'll likely drift into the abyss of the pages of history- but it won't be because I didn't keep going out there and trying to stamp my name on it.

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