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You're welcome. |
That said, I don't believe that I'll see the perfect iteration of Ezio in Clix form until I get to heaven. So I do have some nits to pick. Overall I'm pretty stoked though. So stoked that I decided to bring you my thoughts, in blog form. Which I'm guessing you probably already figured out.
Warning- I'll probably reduce myself to quite a bit of Heroclixese here with a little Assassinish mixed in with zero form of translation. I'm a terrible ambassador of my passions. Sue me.
(Wait, wait, don't sue me- because the only items I have of value are my clix and my Assassin's Creed PS3 collection!!!!!)
What I like:
1) The pose. I'm not too crazy about the picture of the sculpt- there's just so much detail and color in the Ezio costume and this picture makes it look like they captured exactly none of that. Nonetheless, it's a classic Ezio pose, and very reminiscent of a Renaissance-era crotch chop.
2) The Team Ability- I'm guessing you probably don't know much about Heroclix. Let me just tell you that stealth is pretty spectacular. In a game where range rules, the man who can't be seen is king. True, there are ways to circumvent stealth, but by and large, stealth affords our friend Mr. Auditore here a very effective layer of protection. The average figure is gonna have to mosey on over to our friend here and hope that they doesn't roll doubles 1s, 2s, or 3s (or 4s if they have a sucky attack value). Because if they do, they're gonna get a hidden blade right to the face (or something...more on that in a minute).
For the most part, the team ability really a pretty cool representation of the combat system. They attack, they miss, you attack, you hit (and usually kill, but that wouldn't make a very fun Clix ability). Apparently most of the local militia (also known as 'guards') were pretty much terrible combatants, dressing up in their expensive armor every morning and waiting for some ridiculously skilled assassin to engage them in a duel and then kill them. Gloriously.
3) Most of the powers are pretty accurate and feel authentic to the experience of Ezio.
Name of power (actual Heroclix power). You with me?
- Roof running (Leap/climb)- Let me just tell you that I've played four Assassins Creed games and the joy and thrill of the Leap of Faith never gets old. NEVER. The idea of jumping off of stories high buildings- backwards, mind you- into shallow bales of hay and/or bushes of flowers goes so far over the line of Ridiculosity that after a couple dozen of these jumps, you start to rationalize how you're able to jump right out of the hay bale and continue running through the streets. After a hundred or so, you start to believe that not only is this feat humanly possibly, but that you yourself could do it too. After that, your wife ties you up and throws you in the trunk every time your family stops at a building taller than ten feet. You bet your sweet bippy that every single time I move Ezio off of some elevated terrain, I'm going to be making the eagle screech while I pick my figure up off the table and drop him onto his back in the next square.
- Altaïr's Armor (Invulnerability)- This is such a clever nod to the game play, it's not even funny. In the game, Altaïr uses a mystical relic, the Apple of Eden, to create the perfect armor, made out of some new mystery metal (probably unobtanium) that is extremely strong (maximum health), unbreakable- and light enough to allow "complete freedom". Ezio usually obtains this towards the end of game play, after collecting the six seals to unlock the tomb (or something). Assuming that most characters in the Clix-creed system have damage values of 1-2 (again...more on that in a minute), his armor will be de facto impenetrable. Well played, WizKids...well played.
- Poison Blade (Poison)- One of the most discreet ways to kill foes is by jabbing them with the hollow blade filled with poison. It's super effective because it's not a flashy kill- you just sort of step up to them and stick them quickly with the blade, and then the punctured person starts to flail around like a zombie doing the Monster Mash, and everybody just sort of stands back and watches (or gets nailed by a wayward zombie arm) until the deceased falls to the ground and you can totally loot them of all their stuff (if you can tolerate people talking about your blasphemy). My two favorite things to do with poison are:
- Go up behind a group of guards and stab one of the ones in the rear (note: I'm stabbing a guard in the rear of the group, not stabbing a guard in his personal rear), and then just watch as the rest of the guards continue on their rounds. Either that or I get bored and just go kill the rest of the guards.
- Bribe a herald (which cost 500 florins), stick him, and then wait until he stopped spazzing and get my money back. I know he's just doing his job, telling all the people about the dangerous assassin, but come on, man- 500 bones? That's a lot of dough, and I'm not made of money. Not until late in the game, anyways.
Of course, the grass is always Tuscan Ember-er on the other side, and signore Ezio is no exception. Here's what I don't like:
1) If any Heroclix figure EVER deserved a special power granting combat reflexes and super senses, it's Ezio. I mean, that's sort of the whole 'parry/dodge' combat system. You basically just hold down that L1 button when you're being attacked, time the counter just right, and go into berserk mode with the chain kills. I would have rather seen Ezio's defense peak at a natural 17 and have a special power granting him those two defensive powers (CR/SS) than the natural 18 with mastermind- that's how Ezio fights.
Speaking of Mastermind....
2) The presence of Mastermind, period. I don't like it. On the HCRealms discussion board, one dude eloquently described the Mastermind-special power as representing the Assassin's guild (which at this point Ezio was pretty much in charge of) and how they'd lay their lives down for the cause. I'm actually fine with that, for the most part. I just think that in the Clix combat system, his abilities would be better represented by the CR/SS combo.
Especially since they named the power 'Blend'. 'Blend' is obviously not sloughing off damage to some simpleton who is too inspired to know any better. 'Blend' is when Ezio is chilling with a compact group of civilians and your screen flashes wavy green and all of a sudden the guards can't see you. In a perfect world, I would have combined 'Blend' with the team ability and made it so that Ezio could use stealth if he was adjacent to one or more friendly characters.
3) If you've played the Assassin's Creed games, you know that Ezio is basically Batman in the 1400s. Armed to the teeth, he has probably a couple dozen weapons to choose from and even though he doesn't have them all at once (his clothes are pretty much a bat belt though), at any given time he can kill a guard by:
- Hidden blade
- Poison blade
- Shooting a poison dart
- Throwing knives
- Dagger
- Sword
- Pistol (built into his gauntlet)
- Crossbow
- Bomb
Additionally, the number of 1s and 2s on the damage slot is a little disconcerting. Would a couple of 3s killed anyone? I mean...you know what I mean! Sure, he's a mere man- I don't expect any Hulk-level shenanigans here. But if Ezio comes across any sort of damage reduction at all (which, in a set bound to be populated with suits of armor, is not out of the realm of possibility), he's basically going to end up dealing out more paper cuts and scrapes than he is awesome death blows.
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Pictured- Ezio dealing out awesome death blows |
The other power blatantly missing is some form of willpower. Pretty much any character can have an argument made for them to have willpower- but it's one of Ezio's defining characteristics. More than the unrivaled badassness and weapons proficiency, Ezio is such a compelling character because of his drive and determination to lead humanity to the truth- even in face of sickeningly overwhelming odds, delicious conspiracies, and the death of pretty much everyone that is close to him. He keeps plugging along through thirty-plus years and three video games. And in the end, he's able to walk away from it all because of the love of a beautiful woman. Which doesn't really tie into willpower at all, but seriously- Sofia is a foxy lady.
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As long as you don't look at her face. (Sorry ladies) |
Overall- I do like the dial. I'm a little discouraged by some of the shortcomings, especially since I can't see another Ezio figure coming out from this time period (there will be an Ezio from Revelations though, which gives me hope), but overall it does feel like it could be Ezio, and with the proper support (AKA, his fellow Assassins), Ezio could very well prove to be the stone-cold killer that is near and dear to my heart.
PIC- Ezio- http://heroclix.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ass-creed-preview.jpg
Suddenly clear Clarence- http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/296645-sudden-clarity-clarence
Ezio killing- http://www.gameseyeview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Assassins-Creed-Brotherhood-Photos3.jpg
Sofia- http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110922214556/assassinscreed/images/6/68/Sofia-.png
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