I really miss cheesy ads and alien invasion...
Okay, so those e-mails were sent to me by myself, from made up fake e-mail addresses. Don't try to confuse me with 'details' or 'facts'. I'm thinking about adopting relativism as my new manta.* Seriously though, relativism doesn't make sense to me. I mean, sure, I can see why people would WANT to adhere to it- basically zero accountability deification. But when you say 'there is NO such thing as absolute truth', isn't that making an absolute statement, thus nullifying itself? It sure sounds better than 'there may or may not be absolute truth'. Or 'aliens are invading, would you please pass the turkey?'.
So back to the purpose of the post. I'm going to weigh in on some issues of the 3rd Party candidates that are on the ballot in Michigan. According to CNN.com, the top 3 issues for voters are the economy, healthcare, and terrorism. Since this is my blog, we'll go by my top 3 are economy, foreign policy, environment
First off, we have Cynthia McKinney of the Green party. Hers was the most difficult website to navigate in terms of finding issues. I had to glean a lot of this stuff from the Green Party Platform/Manifesto. I also found out that the Green Party supports the legalization of marijuana. And Rosanne Barr supports the Green Party.
Cynthia McKinney would close tax loopholes and repeal the Bush tax cuts for the top 1% of income earners. She would fairly tax corporations and deny federal subsidies to those who relocate jobs.McKinney would fight for an the opportunity for every family to have gainful employment at a ‘living wage. She would also set a goal of carbon neutrality within the next 20 years, which would benefit our country both in more jobs and a better environment. She would seek a repeal of trade laws such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and labor laws like Taft-Hartley. McKinney would advocate for equal pay for equal work.
It’s the green party, duh? Anti-carbon, pro-renewable resources. And legal hemp. Don't forget legal hemp.
Foreign policy-
Basically, the Green Party platform says, 'We want military recruiters out of our schools, an end to funding for war, products for war, preparation for war, intelligence for war and funds used to to maintain or expand U.S. military presence at home or abroad. We need an end to all wars and occupations by U.S. forces'.
Next up, we have one of the Baldwin brothers, Chuck Baldwin, of the Constitution party. Well, I'm not sure if he's REALLY one of the Baldwin brothers, although he could be. Baldwin could be his maiden name too, for all I know.
Chuck had nothing to say about energy, which leads me to believe that he lives in a log cabin in the mountains. Why did I come to that conclusion? It's simple, really. I found the answer on http://www.chuckbaldwinlivesinalogcabininthemountains.com/

If the above were an actual website, than this picture would have come from that website. Just imagine that Chuck and the constituents of the Constitution party are marching on your house to beat you up because you didn't vote for him.
In order to keep jobs in this country, Chuck Baldwin favor a tariff based revenue system, A tariff on foreign imports, based on the difference between the foreign item's cost of production abroad and the cost of production of a similar item produced in the United States, to protect American jobs and, at the same time, raise revenue for our national government.
Foreign policy-
Chuck is a very pro-military man, but in an UnderArmor sort of way. You know, 'WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE', not 'click clack'. Chuck would begin the process of safely extracting our troops from Iraq. and stop playing policeman of the world. Baldwin believes that the primary obligation of the federal government to provide for the common defense of the United States of America. Chuck still supports a very strong military, although not for the purposes of invasion, but of protection of America.
Hello, Bob Barr of the Libertarian party. Imagine if our president was a bar. Now name that bar, 'Bob'. That's the kind of excitement America needs!
Energy -
Bob Barr feels 'the free market should be the foundation of America’s energy policy. The federal government should eliminate restrictions that inhibit energy production, as well as all special privileges for the production of politically-favored fuels, such as ethanol. Congress should allow the exploration and production of America’s abundant domestic resources, including oil in the Outer Continental Shelf and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and alternative sources such as shale oil'.
Bob thinks govt. needs to spend less, and stick to fundamental economical areas of govt. in the constitution, which are protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. He thinks that doing this will allow American’s to keep more of their own money. 'Every area of federal spending can and should be cut. Entitlements must be reformed and welfare should be cut, including called corporate welfare. Military outlays should be reduced and pork barrel spending eliminated'.
Foreign policy
Bob thinks that America should not be the world’s policeman. 'Our military should provide a strong national defense, not to engage in nation building or to launch foreign crusades. Bringing the soldiers home would better protect America while saving lives and money. American foreign policy should emphasize swift, decisive and winning action against those who vowed would harm us. This means defense, not foreign intervention. We should encourage private involvement around the world primarily through free trade'.
Notice I just flat out quoted Bob several times, instead of paraphrasing. I couldn't do his words justice. Plus, I'm sick of typing.
We've all heard of Ralph Nader, THE Independent candidate. He has the most in-depth website, and lots of similarities to Green party ideology (he ran as a Green Party candidate in '96 and '00, according to Wikipedia). Not sure where he stands on the marijuana issue, or the Rosanne Barr issue. Wait a minute...Rosanne BARR, Bob BARR...hmmmm...this is why I distrust the political process, and think that tyrannical dictatorship might be the way to go.
Nader believes that equitable trade, improving the infustructure, creating a new renewable energy efficiency policy, fully funding education and redirecting large bureaucratic and fraudulent health expenditures toward preventive health care will create millions of new jobs.
Nader would rework the federal budget to spend more money on things like infrastructure, public works, schools, libraries, sustainable energy and pollution controls, and less money on the military. Some ways he would cut military spending would be reduce strategic nuclear arsenal to 1,000 warheads, close unnecessary military bases, overhaul the Pentagon's financial management operations, and reinvest in diplomacy. Other policies include Progressive Taxation, Equal Pay for Women, Child-Care, Living Wages for All Workers, Restore the Social Safety Net
Foreign policy- Nader had nothing to say about Russia, which leads me to believe that he does not like hockey. Maybe he should run for office in Canada- obviously they don't like hockey, since all of their teams end up moving here anyways.
Nader would reverse the current policy in the Middle East. Nader proposes a rapid withdrawal of troops from Iraq- a target of withdrawing troops in six months.
Ralphie urges a new clean energy policy that no longer subsidizes entrenched oil, nuclear, electric and coal mining interests — an energy policy that is efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly. 'We need to invest in a diversified energy policy including renewable energy like wind and other forms of solar power, more efficient automobiles, homes and businesses one that breaks our addiction to fossil fuels. A new clean energy paradigm means more jobs, more efficiency, greater security, environmental protection and increased health'.
Here are the candidates websites:
McKinney- http://votetruth08.com/
Baldwin- http://www.baldwin08.com/
Barr- http://www.bobbarr2008.com/
Nader- http://www.votenader.org/
All quotes were taken directly from the candidates websites, unless I got them from somewhere else.
Thank you for bearing with me. Whoever you vote for, know why you are voting for them.
*Some of you might have said, 'he means mantra'. You were wrong.
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