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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Juno and a bad bumper sticker

Well, last night we watched the movie Juno, with the girl who played Shadowcat in X-men 3 (Ellen Page) and Michael Cera, who is a really funny straight man (not like heterosexual straight, but like straight as in, 'I'm really funny but I'm really serious' straight man). It also had Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman (really glad to see J-Bates reemerge from the '80's), and the guy who played J.Jonah Jameson in the Spider-man movies, J.K. Simmons(probably one of the best casting jobs EVER...I'll post on that sometime, Sara and I went through and systematically ranked several superheroes on several criteria) . It also had a small cameo by Rainn Wilson, who plays Awesome Dwight Schrute in The Office, my fav TV show EVER (beating out Prison Break and Alf).

I'm not going to do a synopsis- if you haven't seen it, then go rent it, it's really good! It has very good dialogue, which kinda reminded me of Gilmore Girls- very witty, well delivered. Ellen Page was SPOT ON with her character, and had several memorable quotes (which of course I don't remember- that's cause there was SO many!). It also tackled some really tough topics- teen pregnancy, abortion, divorce, discrimination- in a light hearted, juvenile manner, but not so light hearted that it didn't make you stop and think. And the juvenilinity (is that even a word?) was appropriate, since most of the movie revolved around a teenage concept of the world.

SPOILER ALERT- I was really glad that she did adoption versus abortion (I'll share more of my thoughts on this topic later down). When they were in the hospital bed, and both Juno and her boyfriend said that they didn't want to see the baby- I just couldn't comprehend that! Having two of my own, I was floored. But then, it was a completely different situation. Kudos to people that are strong enough to give up their babies for adoption- I thought about what it would be like if we were to give our two kids up for adoption (granted, we've had them in the home and become attached), and it was the most miserable gut wrenching thought I've ever had. Children are such an amazing, beautiful gift from God- it takes a lot of self-sacrifice to allow your child to go to a place where they'll have a better chance to make it. God bless you if you've ever given a child up for adoption.

Now, to tie this into the bumper sticker...I've seen this a couple times, a bumper sticker that says 'Say no to sex with pro-lifers'. What an ignorant thing to say, to me that summarizes the 'pro-choice' mantra. You know, I understand that sometimes a woman might get pregnant from being raped. That's tough, and I'm not going to presume to say that I know the 100% right thing to do in that situation. I'm not even going to give an opinion, because rape is such a traumatic experience, and I haven't gone through it, so I don't really KNOW about it, you dig? And maybe a doctor says, 'Your child will be born with a significant birth defect'. Because doctors have never been wrong, right? I have a friend who got told that same thing (I don't remember the specific defect), had an abortion recommended, and declined. Today? He has a very healthy 5 year old daughter who is SO beautiful. So suck it, doc! Seriously!

For most women, though, it seems like 'pro-choice' is a replacement for 'pro-ho'. They want to sleep with whoever, whenever, and not have it matter. Now, understand that I'm not saying it's okay for guys to do that and girls not. Guys who are permiscuous are just as bad. God made sex for marriage, one man, one woman, ya know? And yeah, we live in a crazy, mixed up culture, whatev. Obviously, God is able to redeem any situation, and sometimes divorce might be the best thing to do. But that's off topic.

My point is, 'Say no to sex with pro-lifers' is an ignorant statement that speaks volumes about the level of accountability and responsibility. You do the crime, you do the time. 'Woman's body, woman's choice'- well, what about that baby, who has no name, and apparantly, no choice. It is sad to live in a world that condones murder in the name of 'freedom'. It was awesome to see a Hollywood movie acknowledge the sancity of life, and show that yes, there are alternatives to abortion.

I'm Jason Parks, and I approve this message.

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