Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Um, I'm still working on my superhero movie post (actually, that's a blatant lie, I haven't even started it yet, I'm just trying to cover my butt since in my last post I said I was going to be writing about that in my NEXT post), I just wanted to clarify something.

Last night, it was brought to my attention by my lovely wife that the link on my facebook page to this site was being blocked as a 'malicious' site. Now, I'm not a malicious sort of guy in the least, and I certainly didn't have anything that I felt could be construed as 'malicious'. I went to bed in tears.

Okay, that is a blatant lie as well.

Now that I have blatantly lied to you twice in two paragraphs, I am officially ready for a life of politics. I digress. But that's not what this post is about. I just wanted to let you all know that I figured out why my blog was considered 'malicious'. At the bottom of each post, you'll see the 'labels' for the posts. One of them has 'Juno'. The post in question had 'Michigan', 'football', and a word that starts with 's' and rhymes with duck. Or truck. Or luck.

I can see why having that word as a label would send off red alarm lights to Facebook. I'm just sad that the word 'suck' has been so degenerated. It used to just mean that you didn't like something, or something like that ;) Anyhow, the reason I even put it as a label was I thought it would be funny. But obviously it was malicious. Lesson learned. Don't try to stick it to the man, because the man will step on you and eat your entrails with crackers and soup.

Tune in next time for 'Some Random Thoughts About Superhero Movies, Unless Something Else Catches My ADD Attention Span And I Write About That Instead'


Anonymous said...

You have been known to be mallicious, and well you were kinda mallicious toword the UofM football program in that post. Also, involving the chronic lying, check out Rev. 21:8, it may brighten your day with hopes of what you can expect as far as punishment for all eternity!

Parks said...

Let's see what's behind, door number 1- Burning sulfer and unquenchable anguish for forever!

Um...can I just have the brand new car instead?

Also, the word of the day is apnakhzj

Anonymous said...

I.m a likin yur blog

Parks said...

Thanks, appreciate it. I like it too, but I'm extremely biased, in fact I'm probably too close to the situation to realize how it actually is. But I appreciate the praise, for sure! Glad you're enjoying it.