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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy weekend, busy life.

Hello all,
Well, this is sort of a first in my blogging history- a banner day of sorts. I'm not contemplating deep issues or anything like that, nor am I doing anything 'silly' or 'pop-culturish'. I'm just giving a brief update on how things are going.

My mom, dad, and youngest sister came up for a visit this weekend. It was an awesome time, and as always, it went too fast. We just kinda hung out, played with the kids. My dad got to see me drum at church. We watched a Batman movie. We shopped at Target, and I got a flu vaccination.

I got to watch Sara perform an aria at NMU on Saturday. It was her first time singing in a couple years, and she NAILED it...it was such a moment of pride, knowing that the hot soprano hitting all the notes and warming the souls of the crowd was MY wife...I'm so blessed, fo shizzle!

Right now, I'm blogging, but I'm also working on a small presentation for my Social Welfare Policy class, talking about the issues that are important to me in the upcoming presidential election, and where the 3rd party candidates that are on the ballot in Michigan stand on those issues. I'll try to get something on here early next week, so you have some time to chew on it before the election.

I got my Common/Uncommon/Rare set of Arkham Assylum Heroclix figures. I'm pretty impressed my many of the sculpts. One of them, 'Thinker', looks like he stepped right out of the Matrix...I mean, the actual Matrix, you know, the computer part. It looks very tight! I'm bummed, because I probably won't get to play for the rest of the semester, but it's all good. I'm going to catch up on Christmas break.

This Friday (Halloween), my apartment complex is having a small 'Music festival'. It's not like Ozfest or Cornerstone...it's not even like a Hiawatha or Bliss. It's just some people at NMU sharing their talents/love of music. I am going to play drums with some buddies, and I'm going to play some guitar- like a solo act. I'm a little nervous, but it'll be good to stretch myself. I plan on doing a couple worship songs, some originals, and maybe even a Christmas song or two (yes, it is getting to be that time of year again).

Classes are going okay, I'm not doing as well grade-wise as I'd like- I got a 79 on my Marriage and Family midterm, and I think I probably scored similarly on a recent Social Welfare Policy exam. But this semester has been one of tremendous personal, emotional, and spiritual growth. It's almost like Oprah came to our house and gave a pep-talk. Or Ty Pennington gave us an Extreme Home Makeover. Or Batman came and...well, I'm not really sure what he said, but hey, it got results.

I can't really think of anything else right now. I do have to actually get some work done on my project, and get some reading done. So I'm going to end this milestone event not. Just remember, God is good, He loves you, if you are reading my blog then you are awesome, and stay tuned for more silliness, seriousness, and everything in between. Blessings as you grow with me!

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