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Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Least Likely to Succeed: The set-up

The other day, while digging through my gold mine of old writings, comic books, and "valuable" sports cards (Shawn Bradley rookie card- this guys gonna be famous!), I came across an old magazine.  Well, relatively old- It was published in 2002.  The name of the magazine was Inkblots, a small independently (I believe) published magazine.  It championed 'creative writing for creative minds'.  Now, apart from being a creative writer and a creative mind ('Sup) I happened to keep this particular issue because I was published in it.

Yes.  I'll wait until you pick your jaw up off the floor.  At one point in time of history, I was a published writer.  Know that my narcissism knows no bounds.  I will go to any length to prove to you my greatness- even if it means digging through my treasure chest to find an obscure magazine that accepted freelance offerings from guys like me.

So here's the thing- I'm not actually going to let you read it.  TODAY.  I meant today.  It's just really long...and would take a lot of typing...and I am probably going to want to edit it a little bit, since my audience has changed and I've changed and my underwear has changed.  But I just wanted to let you know that it's coming.  Soon.  Be prepared.  Mark your calendars- take a big red marker and just begin writing 'soon' all over every date square.

I'll give you a hint though- it's about Lord of the Rings.  I'll be waiting for you to exhale.

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