Oh look. Another blog about stuff. Wonderful.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Template (or...this isn't filler, I swear! Well, maybe a little filler)

I have to be honest- this post is sort of just a 'hey, I told them I would blog every day, and I don't have anything to say, but I'm not about to lose my goal in the first week of the new year, so I'm going to just throw any old thing on here' post. Don't worry- I'll make it worth your while (of course, after that inspirational beginning, if you stop reading here, then I don't blame you).

I've been thinking about changing the background template to my blog. I know, I know- change is hard, and I've had this template forever since 2008.

This is not a decision that I enter into lightly. I've seen the fallout from websites switching template designs on other sites (Facebook, HCRealms) to know that this is not something to tread into lightly. People's lives are at stake, man.

However, I also know that there is an entire world of unexplored template designs out there. When I designed this blog, I basically picked the default one and went with that. But now that we've been together for a while...I'm starting to get that wandering eye. I visit other people's blogs and come back to mine feeling like the thrill is gone.

I'm thankful for all the contributions that my template has made. It's been there, and has been so visually unappealing that it has forced people that stumble on my site to actually look at the words that I type. And to that, I am very grateful. But now, it's time to move on. It's time for me to test the merit waters with my writing boat and idea oars. Basically, I can no longer ride on the coattails of a lame blog template and mediocre writing.

Other than filler purposes, the only point to this blog is to let you know that change is coming. Unless you have an Internet Interior Design degree (or have spent time with Tim Gunn), then I'm sure you're just as clueless as I am- and I am way too stubborn and hardheaded to take advice from my peer group. Look for a change coming...and soon.


Hannah said...

Yeah, you would definitely get a lot of one-sentence, possibly even one-word posts, if I committed to posting every day. Oh! And probably a lot of kid quotes. :)

Parks said...

It's definitely going to be tough- but even in just a few days time, I can already feel a difference. I'm pretty sure I won't hit every single day, but the fact that I'm making it a priority (even if there is the occasional 'ridiculous, why did he need to tell us this' post) is going to be good for me.

You know...a kids quote blog would probably be a great read- especially with the kids you are teaching :)