Speaking of the Renaissance, that is the time period that I am going to take this blog to now...back in time, through a mysterious machine that allows people to relive the genetic memories of their ancestors. That's right folks- I'm talking about Assassins Creed.
I've been playing the game series for about a year now, ever since I picked up the first game in December of 2010- and I just love it. It's amazing, it's breathtaking, and it will not only knock your socks off- it will incinerate them with a blast of fiery breath from its nostrils.
The first game is definitely the weakest of the three, and I cannot imagine I'll play it again. It's not so much an indictment of that game, though, as it is praise to the quality of the later games. However, it is the birthplace of the franchise, so it will always have a special place in my heart.
I love these games for their basic tenets- you are an assassin- and you are free to roam around entire cities (which the peeps at Ubisoft went to painstaking lengths to make into very realistic digital replicas) and kill bad guys. Oh, and you can jump off of tall buildings into piles of hay. Sounds simple enough- but until you've seen the backdrop of Jerusalem from the Dome of the Rock...or Roma from the Coliseum, you have no idea how wondrous these games are.

I just recently picked up the most recent installment, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, which is more of an "expansion" as opposed to a "sequel" to Assassins Creed II. And as much as I loved II way more than the first one, I think I love Brotherhood that much more than II.
Note: This is not in any way, shape, or form a thorough review on any of the Assassins Creed games. This is very much a quick blog about about the series and my nerdgasm for it. For more in-depth and detailed reviews, please visit here or here. I just recommend playing them, because you may grow to love them as I have.
First of all, I'm in love with addition of a crossbow as a weapon. I utilize it almost exclusively as my ranged weapon. I love to use my crossbow to shoot the guards that are on horseback (another fun new feature). If that guard was riding an armored horse, I will definitely steal it- and then use my sweet whistle to call the horse to me at a future point. There is a guild of assassins that I am responsible for, and can call on at any time. It's nice to have them come in and dispatch a unit of guards while I rummage through the deceased looking for coins and other trinkets like medicine or bullets. Sometimes, beggars will come up to me asking for money, and I will throw a smoke bomb instead.
I also really like the way that the game flow is set up. I mean, there is so much to do outside of the actual missions- I've played for several hours and am only about a third of the way through the game. And I love that! I love that my hard-earned money (well, scratch that. I got it as a Christmas present. Actually, I got the Xbox-360 version as a Christmas present. Which I had to take back to Wal-Mart and exchange for some toilet paper and pull-ups, because we were dirt poor around Christmas) is going to be worth it.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood is the best game ever. I am Ezio de Audit....um, Jason Parks, and I approve this message.
PIC: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/assassins_creed_brotherhood/b/xbox360/archive/2010/06/14/e3-preview.aspx
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